How to Survive a Winter in Chicago

How to Survive a Winter in Chicago

This year has already proven to us that the weather can be unexpecting. Buffalo, New York has had over 8 feet of snow already this year! Unpredictable weather can be a cause for concern and Chicago is a city that prepares as much as it can for the winter weather it may face each chilly season. Here’s how they survive the winters.

Stock Up On Cold Weather Gear

Frostbite is a serious issue that can be life-threatening. The best way to prepare for harsh winter weather is by bundling up. If you are moving to Chicago and have never lived that far north, you’re in for a surprise if you think you can rock a t-shirt and jacket all winter. The first step should be investing in a proper winter coat. Something that is going to be able to withstand high winds coming off of Lake Michigan and temperatures that can easily hit below zero with the wind chill.

The real key is to layer your clothes. Have plenty of long-sleeved shirts, compression, or long underwear. It may not be needed every day, however, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Another recommendation is laying your socks or at least making sure you have some sort of thick socks to wear with your boots or around your home. This is especially true for those with vinyl, wood, or tiled floors in their home. If you aren’t lucky enough to find a house for rent in Chicago that has heated floors, then you’ll need some thick, comfy socks.

Finally, we recommend getting some snow pants and snow boots. Pants that can withstand high winds and keep dry are your best bet. This is especially important for homeowners or anyone responsible for clearing snowy paths or working outside regardless of the weather. You will also need boots that can keep your feet dry. This is essential. There is no point in getting boots that are not at least waterproof or water resistant. A wet foot is a cold foot. 

Stay Inside and Stock Up

For some of the most intense weather, it is usually best to stay inside. You’ll of course want to make sure you have the proper essentials if you end up getting snowed in for a few days. The first place to start is with your food. You should have a few nonperishable items such as cans of soup, peanut butter, canned tuna, or rice. Perishable foods work as well if you’re not going to be trapped in your house for too long. Everyone usually runs to the grocery store for bread and milk before a storm.

Another item that can become useful is a generator. Winds, snow, and ice are major disrupters to power sources. Imagine being stuck at your home in the cold with no heat! With a generator, you can save yourself from this potential misery. You should look into purchasing a few space heaters as well along with flashlights. Packs of batteries are good to have on hand for flashlights, lanterns, or headlamps. You may also be interested in purchasing a power bank or charging pad for your devices. These items are useful when the weather gets crazy.

Lastly, have extra blankets! Sometimes it can be fun being trapped inside when mother nature is in full force. Blankets and board games will give you and your family all the cozy feels. Stay entertained as much as you can with games or watching movies if you don’t lose power. Make hot cocoa, curl up with a good book, or take the time to journal or reflect on life. Bad weather doesn’t mean we need to have a bad time. 

Plan Inside Fun

In less serious situations, you’ll still be able to traverse the city. However, they don’t call it the windy city without reason. It can be quite frigid with the temperatures and the wind. If you have kiddos to entertain or just need to escape your house once in a while regardless of the weather, we have some suggestions.

If you have children, check out Razzmatazz indoor play park. Bouncy houses, arcade games, and indoor fields can be found here. It’s the perfect place to take the little ones and let them burn up their energy. For adults and children, check out iFly. It is an indoor skydiving experience that the whole family would love. Plus, the prices are surprisingly affordable. Finally, you can find plenty of indoor climbing, escape rooms, and museums. All of these indoor locations are sure to keep you entertained even when the weather is frightful.

This list is nowhere near a complete guide to surviving winter in Chicago, but it’s a good place to start. We hope that after reading this article, you have a better understanding of what to expect from Chicago winters.

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